Nina Interiors

Nina Interiors

UNFCU Offices, UN Base Entebbe:
We were contracted to section their offices with aluminium partitions and board covered with blue fabric. This was done in less than a week in time for their opening.
USAID Mbale:
We planned out the office for a new USAID project in Mbale. Using alumimium partitioning and gypsum board, we sectioned off the IT Server Room (20m2). The project also involved paint works of about 15m2).

USAID Ntinda:
We planned out the office for a new USAID project in Ntinda. Using alumimium partitioning and gypsum board, we sectioned off the IT Server Room (20m2). The project also involved paint works of about 15m2.

  • Client: Nina Interiors
  • Location: Entebbe, Mbale, Ntinda